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Order Information

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 Order Details
Product   Email Spider & Bulk Email Sender & Email Verifier
Price  €104EUR  (Life-Time,free upgrade)
Order Number   1310593476
 Payment method

Your Email: 


    You will be offered different payment types as available to your PayPal account. Note that some methods, like Credit Card or Account Funds process immediately, however eCheck/Bank Account transfers may take a few days to complete. During that time, your order will remain pending until your payment is cleared, once that occurs, you will receive the required information about the product(s) you are purchasing.

    If you are paid via paypal, we will immediately send an email to you when you are successful this Email,you can find your order id and password.

 Click submit button or the following icon to enter paypal online payment.

 What does not understand please contact us.  MSN:    QQ: 1979459188µã»÷ÕâÀï¸øÎÒ·¢ÏûÏ¢    TEL: +86-136-87335499

How to get register key code

Through the following payment method to buy our software you will receive registration key code immediately.
  Payment by PAYPAL
  Click buy now links or choose PAYPAL to pay in your order. Once a successful payment, our system will automatically sent a registration email to your PayPal account mail box.  Open your registration email, click the register link(such as ). In register page,enter your machine code(Run our software, in the Help menu,click register, you will find the machine code),Click submit button,You will receive registration key code immediately.

Note: Sometimes, email may be delayed, please be patient. If you do not receive the registration email within an hour, please feel free to email us at  MSN:      QQ: 1979459188

  Use the other payment methods such as Bank transfer, Western Union, Moneygram ,PerfectMoney, WeChat Pay Etc
  If you use other methods of payment,After sending money,please send an email to us
  Western nion, Moneygram , WeChat Pay ,include the following information:
      1 The purchase of the software name
      2 First name in the payment sheet
      3 Last name in the payment sheet
      4 Control number of the payment(MTCN,Money Transfer Control Number)
      5 Country in the payment sheet
      6 Amount in the payment sheet
      7 Machine code(Run our software,in the Help menu,click register,you can see Machine code.)

  Bank Transfer , include the following information:
    1 Beneficiary
    2 The purchase of the software name
    3 The amount of pay
    4 Machine code(Run our software,in the Help menu,click register,you can see Machine code.)
  You will soon receive registration key.

  Run our software,in the Help menu,click register,input key code,Finally,click OK button to complete the registration.